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Why Is George Lopez So Funny

George Lopez (TV Series 2002–2007) Poster

Very Funny!

I love this show! Lopez is a very clever comic, who can deliver a punch line sometimes simply with a facial expression. They did a great job in casting his family and friends, especially his mother. As with most shows named after a stand-up comedian, the primary intent is to give Lopez a vehicle to deliver his comedy. But they surpassed this by casting several very funny costars who can get good laughs on their own. I hope that there are more people like me who appreciate this humor.

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10 /10


It's a good show, and I find it funny. Finally the bad Latin stereo types are over! ¡Gracias, Señor Lopez! I love this show, and I just started watching it about three months ago. The whole concept about a Latin family TV show really amazed me. I am surprised that finally Latinos have a good shot to be on TV. This show is probably one the best I've seen, it's funny, heartwarming, touchy, and nice.

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8 /10

Getting Better With Each Episode

George Lopez is a funny man even without the sitcom. The first episodes I saw of this too often made jokes at the expense of his mom. As I have watched this more, there has been more & more variety. No one on the cast is really safe from his wit now.

It seems to me as this season has progressed that George is getting more comfortable with the family sitcom Dad role. At first he wasn't, but he is getting More & more into a groove. This makes both him & the shows progressively funnier. They had added a couple of characters for George to play off this year too. His wife's dad is getting more & more involved in the plot.

His mom is still there, but not as central as past seasons. I think it is prudent to say with George's sense of comic timing, & ABC's lack of good sitcoms, George Lopez has a good chance of being here on ABC long after George W. Bush.

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Very funny stuff

For some reason, I had a hunch that this would be a funny show--judging simply from the teaser previews. Well, I was right. I'm pretty sure George Lopez is a stand-up comedian, and I would love to see his act. He is extremely funny, with great timing. And of course, I'm always a supporter of Latino shows and movies. When people think of minorities being snubbed from the media, they immediately think "blacks," but I would argue that we need to see a lot more Latinos on TV and in the movies. And just like "The Cosby Show" didn't play out stereotypes of an African-American family, "George Lopez" doesn't play out stereotypes of a Latino-American family. The characters are universal, and could be played by actors of any race. I don't know why it is, and I'm definitely not complaining, but it seems like they always cast a real hottie to play the wives on these sitcoms. In "Everybody Loves Raymond" there's Patricia Heaton, in "King of Queens" there's Leah Remini, and the actress who plays Lopez's wife is also a hottie! The old lady who plays his mother is just as funny as him, and steals every scene she's in. I sincerely hope this show lasts at least 3 seasons.

My score: 7 (out of 10)

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As a vehicle for Lopez it can be extremely funny, but as a family sitcom the supporting players let it down

Network: ABC; Genre: sitcom; Average Content Rating: TV-PG (strong adult content); Classification: Contemporary (1 - 4);

Season Reviewed: Season 3+

While ABC's decision to put the slightly cruder 'George Lopez' as the lead-in to it's re-launched TGIF line-up is a judgment call I question, it does make for a slightly out-of-field comparison: 'Lopez' is cooler, edgier, funnier and more substantive than anything I remember from the line-up once populated with 'Full House' and 'Family Matters'.

Developed by the Deborah Oppenheimer/Bruce Helford crowd that brought us 'The Drew Carey Show' back when self-titled sitcoms from stand-up comics were all the rage. 'Lopez' falls somewhere between the crude, edge of 'Carey' and the standard family sitcom. But the scripts are consistently a triumph of avoiding standard sitcom clichés, instead the show has turned toward a comedic spin on domestic drama where George Lopez (obviously as himself) struggles though (sometimes cataclysmic) events in his work and family life all the while trying to make sense of his family's past and his maniacal, brazenly without shame mother Benny (Belita Moreno). Season 3 (I could take or leave seasons 1 and 2), was ripe with domestic confrontations, family secrets revealed and a long lost father and siblings for George. In more than one way the tone of the show recalls you might get if you burned away all the rawest, sharpest edges from Fox's 'Titus'.

George Lopez shines in the show. The biggest crack in the armor is in the supporting cast. Where 'Titus' had a strong one in the legendary Stacy Keach and Cynthia Watros, Moreno doesn't have the presence of a chief antagonist and often just comes off obnoxious - so much so it will prompt me to change the channel during her scenes. Constance Marie is stuck in a largely thankless role as Lopez's wife, much of the time just staying out of Lopez's way. The show hasn't put her in the typical whiny sitcom mom role which is appreciated more than anything she does, but when the story requires Marie is able to step up in a way that the rest of the cast can't. Really, that only marginally matters, because it's quite literally all Lopez's show. George Lopez tears through the sharp dialog like a Tasmanian devil, spitting it all out with an impeccable comic delivery able to get big laughs from little lines like "Stitch it on a pillow sister, we need cash". He is the tent pole that almost all the laughs swing around and the show is at it's best when it knows that - allowing for the supporting cast, in all their limited acting ability, to stand as plot-device in Lopez's way.

'George Lopez' is the first mainstream, successful American sitcom with an almost all Hispanic cast. It sprinkles touches of cultural authenticity all around - and in ways I'm sure I don't get, but for the most part the family is largely mainstream. I can understand that some might view is a copping out. I see it more as the show's desire to present a traditional sitcom family that happens to be Mexican. Now, if there were a lot more shows on TV like this, then we might have an issue.

One of my favorite bits in the series is the way it brought back the time-tested tradition of a conservative father debating with his liberal daughter (Masiela Lusha). Season 3 opened with a bang in the hour-long episode "Dad, Dubya and Dating" where Lopez tries to keep daughter Carmen from joining an anti-war protest. In a later episode, in a funny spin on preachy series, Carmen says her rights have been violated by "the New England Patriots Act", to which George replies "That's about gay marriage, don't you pick up a newspaper". We get the sense that 'George Lopez' doesn't want to be seen as a pioneer sitcom, nor does it want to make a political statement. It just wants to be funny - and it is that. It's also substantive and genuine which is rare. It's one of the better family sitcoms on TV right now.

* * * / 4

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9 /10

So funny

Great acting, stupid funny, and good life lessons.

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Wonderful Acting, Great Entertainment, Funny - with lessons from Life

I watch the show every week - my friends & I at a real airplane parts factory love the show. George and Angie (Constance Marie) come across very well as a Dad and Mom. Grandma (Belita Moreno) comes through with razor sharp comments - that catch you laughing when you least expect it. His friends and bosses at the fictitious Powers Bros Aviation are all well cast and contribute heavily to the show.

His children - there is simply not enough about them in the show. This includes a shining new star -- Masiela Lusha as his daughter Carmen. She is an `A' list actress in my book - and is likely to be seen & heard long after the George Lopez show has made a long & successful run. Whether Carmen is the subject of the episode or is just in show for a few lines - Masiela makes her talents known. The lines are not just delivered, but delivered First Class - with great expressions, smiles, frowns, smirks, tears, etc. She makes her character unusually believable.

George & his Team - the entire Cast, the Writers, the Producers, Camera, Sound, and the many others make this show work, a show that is not just portraying a Latino family in Los Angeles, but also the family of an aerospace worker -- it portrays a typical family who struggles from week to week trying to make financial ends meet and yet maintain the health & happiness of the family unit. This show lets us laugh a little at ourselves, including the celebrations & predicaments. This show is not just about a Latino family - it is about a lot of us.

ABC has a wonderful show with George Lopez - I think its here for a while -

Watch the show !

If you are not going to be home - record it, but definitely see it !

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A Groundbreaking Sitcom

I didn't see any of the episodes when they were first run on ABC, but when The George Lopez Show entered reruns, my girlfriend (who's a fan of the show) and I frequently watch them and to me it's one of TV's groundbreaking sitcoms for its predominately Hispanic casting and the avoidance of stereotypes.

In some ways, George Lopez resembles The Drew Carey Show, which is produced by the same production company. First Lopez, like Carey plays a fictional version of himself and his mother Benny, brilliantly played by Belita Moreno is somewhat of a female antagonist like Mimi.

The show's supporting cast in addition to Moreno is outstanding. Constance Marie has great chemistry as Lopez's wife Angie and Masiela Lusha and Luis Armand Garcia who plays the Lopez's children are destined for success. Let's not overlook Valente Rodriguez as Ernie and Emiliano Diaz as George's father-in-law. Also, Sandra Bullock, who was one of the show's executive producers, appeared in a few episodes as Accident Amy. To me, she resembled an adult female version of Steve Urkel.

The one other thing about the show that stood out was the writing. A number of episodes were based on George's personal experiences and the storyline about Lopez being abandoned by his father was base on his real-life situation.

ABC shouldn't have canceled the show. It's the best TV show to feature Hispanic performers. not to mention, the winner of several ALMA awards.

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8 /10

One of the Best Sitcoms Ever Made. What?

George Lopez has a reputation as a washed-up, one-trick-pony kind of comedian. His shows keep getting canceled, so you'll really only see him as a voice actor in bad kids movies these days. But I'll always maintain, if nothing else, The George Lopez Show was comedy gold.

I'm terrible at describing humor. I just found the show to be very funny, with natural humor. It doesn't feel too far off from what funny people say in real life. Some jokes have quick setups, and blunt, hilarious punchlines.

But a certain success of the series is not its humor, but its conflicts. The worst part about sitcoms is how insignificant their plots are, and how petty their characters. Eventually, many characters will devolve into caricatures of their former selves. The George Lopez Show gives actual characters actual problems. Financial issues, marriage problems, rebellious kids, strained parental relationships. These are far more relateable than, say, worrying your boyfriend watches shark porn. You're nervous for them, and are soooo relieved when they make it through the rain. And they never let the drama take over the comedy.

Comedy is too subjective for me to ever give a hard recommendation. But I'd say give this show a shot. I found the comedy and drama perfectly balanced, and the show is consistently good during its run. I don't think I'll find a sitcom as good anytime soon.

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Very funny show stopper

I have enjoyed season 2 so far and I have seen GLo in person at the Improv. He's marvelous and talented. I also have his CD and thats a blast. My bro introduced me to this talented person who I had previously knew from several radio shows. I do hope they keep his show running for another season. When I seen him at the Improv I mentioned he should be nominated for new sitcom at the Emmy or People's Choice Awards. This show has a lot of issues but diversity. I recommend this show to all not just our own raza...keep on trucking!!!

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8 /10

An absolute ABC classic!

"GEORGE LOPEZ," in my opinion, is an absolute ABC classic! I haven't seen every episode, but I still enjoy it. There are many episodes that I enjoyed. One of them was where Amy (Sandra Bullock) walked into a moving piece of machinery. If you want to know why, you'll have to have seen it for yourself. Before I wrap this up, I'd like to say that everyone always gave a good performance, the production design was spectacular, the costumes were well-designed, and the writing was always very strong. In conclusion, even though new episodes can currently be seen, I strongly recommend you catch it just in case it goes off the air for good.

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Loving every episode

The cast does a great job, George is one of the best comedians out right now. I just wish they didn't change the time slow to Friday' much conflict for me on that night. But it's a great show. Every member of the cast does well, from Ernie and Max(Who I was suprised to learn is 15) to George. This show is one of few shows I really like(The others: Less Than Perfect, The OC, Boston Public and The Practice, 10-8's not bad..)

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Good Sitcom

The George Lopez Show is a nice deviation from the pervasive, saccharine trash found in network television nowadays. The characters are layered, the humor goes down well--and never sounds forced or old, the plotlines usually make some sense and there's aren't too many sappy, preachy, life-lessonish type moments--even the very few there are usually feel faintly meaningful and relatable. Just an all-around decent, well-made, balanced show.

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it's hilarious

I think that this show is great. It's a really funny show. The way they represent the spanish family is great. It's toned down a bit but it's still a great representation. Guys are always made to believe they should'nt work or do anything in the house. The mother is also like a typical spanish mother/grandmother. She's always commenting on george's ways of doing things. The daughter and mother relationship is great and the son's relationship with the brother is good to. There always fighting. All in all, I recomend people to see it. It's a great show. not everyone will like it, but most will.

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Not only is the show funny, the people who make the show are good people!

I laugh out loud at this show. Great performances, and situation comedy at its best

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Totally hilarious show

This is a hilarious show, contrary to what veestar614 thinks. A laugh is a laugh is a laugh, especially since we're talking about a 1/2 hour family sitcom, not a documentary. I know zip about Latino culture (my Spanish is limited to "yo no hablo español") but this is only of my favourite shows on TV right now.

George Lopez overacts somewhat, but it is in character, and Angie Lopez (played by Constance Marie) is the perfect serious foil for George's over-the-top-ness, as are George's kids, Max and Carmen, his mother Benny and his friend Eddie.

So many comedies based on the "name brand" aspect of successful comedian end up being ego trips with the "star" so greatly overshadowing the rest of the cast that it's like they aren't even there. But on the George Lopez show, the co-stars are truly that - they get decent screen time and they get some good funny lines which they can all deliver perfectly, even the kid playing Max. And Masiela Lusha is great playing the overwrought teenage girl so much like how her father is so excitable without becoming an un-funny stereotype.

I give the show a 4.5 out of 5 stars.

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6 /10

Forget George Lopez! Give Belita her own show!

Now George Lopez Show is not a bad. It is worth watching a few times. But what I think is the best part of the show is Belita Moreno who plays Bennie, the mother of George Lopez. Belita Moreno is certainly worth watching out for ever since she played a secretary in the television film, Death Benefit. I am glad that she is getting recognition in her own right but I think she should get her own show when the George Lopez Show is over. There is something talented and brilliant in Belita's underrated performance. She really has the comedic perfect timing as the gambling, fun-seeking grandmother, mother,and mother-in-law. Bennie is not your typical granny making cookins in the kitchen. She works, gambles, drinks, and likes to have a good time with her friend, Gina, played by the wonderful Elmarie Wendel. She and George are great together with their exchanges. Belita is one to watch for in this series. It's why I watched her in the first place. As Bennie, she is always entertaining and delivers her lines as naturally and wonderfully to George's straight face. I didn't care for the opening segment. I think it's silly with everybody jumping up and down. I think with better writing, it could be a better improved show. We'll just have to wait for the upcoming season.

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7 /10

pretty good actually!

when i saw commercials for this i was thinking "NO WHAT HAS NICK AT NITE DONE!" because it was taking up "fresh prince" slots. well, i still love the fresh prince. but george lopez is a surprisingly good show. i love how not-stereotypical benny is. carmen is a pretty good character, its really funny to see how stupid and overemotional she can be sometimes. i feel bad for the guy who plays max, he looks much younger then he actually is! but max is a fun character, and acted well. and yeah, angie is a little stereotypical, but she has her funny moments. ha ha george does have a big head! nah but he can be really good too. funny show! it definitely should be on more often then home improvement.

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9 /10

Very Funny

I have been watching this show since I was 14 and I've loved it ever since. I love this show because it's just plain funny! You will enjoy this show a lot because it shows something new and funnier everyday and my favorite part is when Benny always has her last comments on George after every punchline about his fat giant head.*laughs* I would laugh and I'd watch it with my friends at home it'd be like we were watching a funny movie but short. Love George Lopez. Funny, talented,funny,spectacular. This is a cool-funny-family comedy series enjoyable to everyone and you will definitely enjoy it--I did! And if you haven't watched it yet I suggest that you start watching because you wouldn't want to stop watching it. Even though there aren't anymore brand new episodes I still enjoy the re-runs. Still funny. Never wears off.


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6 /10

Good show, but needs some fine-tuning

I started watching this show on Nick at Nite. It's pretty funny, and for me, better than Lopez's stand up. I have seen his stand up comedy live, but it is not as enjoyable as the show. At least in the show, there are elements of other aspects to life rather than just animosity towards white people.

The show is good because it is realistic to many situations. George is a self-made factory manager, who married a loving but sometimes neurotic wife, Angie, has a troubled and quite spoilt daughter, Carmen, and a gullible, somewhat spoilt younger son, Max. Many things happen over the course of the show, giving it spice and edge. Issues such as teen runaways, dyslexia, gang violence, drugs, alcoholism, child abuse, unemployment, and racism are addressed. Besides the racism, the rest is set well. It also has its comedic moments.

I understand the pain of Mexicans. I am not white, but like I said, I have seen his stand up. Three hours of his rambling hatred towards Caucasians made me quite nauseas. Doesn't this guy ever give up? What does he know about immigration patterns, anyway? He was born in America, and maybe his childhood was abusive (I'm switching back to the show, though it's true in real life) he turned out okay. I am half-Arab, and my people have been denied immigration because of 9/11. He acts as if Latinos are the only ones that undergo racism. Arabs are defined as terrorist because of a few group of renegades who are insane.

Sorry about the political situation. Racism is wrong, and sometimes the jokes are funny just to lift burdens, but there is a limit. Lopez passed that limit ages ago. Good show, but he might want to get some new material for his stand up other than his averse disposition towards white people.

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Not Very Nice

George Lopez really used stereotypes of Hispanic people to make most of the comedy on this show. A lot of times, it was not funny at all, and it made me feel uncomfortable. The supporting cast was used as the butt of jokes, and they were there to make Lopez seem smarter because they were usually dumber than him. It was not a positive show to watch.

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Hey, are you watching the same show I am?

I can't believe that you don't think this show isn't funny. It is full of rich characters and has loads of heart. The cast are all respectable actors and the scripts take chances and score almost every time. With all the drivel that is on the air, this show is breath of fresh air. I am not Latino, but I don't think its "full of latino cliches". Most of the Latino humor is general, so that everyone can understand and enjoy the jokes. It is in no way offensive and all my latin friends say that it's the most even handed depiction of a latino family ever to hit the air waves. So 3 cheers for The George Lopez Show, may it enjoy a long run. ABC has a winner with the one!

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Ha Ha hilarious

This show is actually very funny. It gives you some insight on a typical Chicano family. I think George Lopez is very funny and I hope they dont cancel this show because there are not that many Hispanic oriented sitcoms out there. But more importantly it shouldn't get canceled because it's very funny!

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10 /10


Today is one of my all time favorite shows to review. George Lopez. First, the cast of course. There's George, a father of 2 who is the manager of a factory. Angie, the wife who thinks pretty much everything George does is wrong. Ernie, George's best friend. Max and Carmen, the kids who get into a lot of trouble. Vic, Angie's dad who doesn't like George that much until season 3 or 4. And the funniest character is Benny, George's mom. Yeah, your basic sitcom characters, but they took the liberty to put some essential characters in there to make the show funnier. I've seen some reviews of people bashing the show saying its racist, but George or anyone doesn't make jokes about OTHER RACES, he makes them about HIS RACE. And the jokes, i don't see how they can be hurtful cuz Latinos are awesome, George is just poking a little fun. Let's compare those jokes to the show Everybody Hates Chris, which is an awesome show. They're being poking fun of the other race, which is considered racist. OK back to the show. The plots are sometimes your basic sitcoms, Benny hides something from George, a problem at the factory, or the kids. But all the plots are legitimate. They just revolve around the same thing, like a lot of good sitcoms like Drake and Josh or Malcolm in the Middle. So that wraps it up. George Lopez is a hilarious show, not racist, good plots, good characters. So if you hate the show, just do yourself a favor and die.

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8 /10

A barrel of laughs

Yes, it's over the top, yes it's a bit clichéd and yes, Constance Marie is a total babe and worthy of seeing again and again! The jokes and gags might get old and repetitive after a while but the show's still fun to watch. Since it's a family show the humour is toned down and the writers have incorporated family values and ideals in between the gags.

George Lopez is funny. Don't take him seriously and the show's a winner. I'm sure he didn't intend his character to be serious or a paragon of virtue. His outbursts and shouts of glee are hilarious...

I do have to say that the one big, dark, bitter spot is Benny. I hate the much so that anytime she's on for more than 30 seconds I mute the TV just so I don't have to hear her. There is nothing funny about her dialogue or her jokes. As a mother she has to be the worst out there and I am just shocked and surprised that George, as the character, would stand by such a deplorable person for so long.

Even so anytime I get ticked off at seeing Benny I think to myself: seeing her is a lot better than having to watch the Bill Engvall Show. Now there's a bad sitcom...

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