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How to See Who Is Following You on Fb That You Didnt Know

If you accept noticed a sudden drastic change in your follower count, it is a concerning security event. Particularly when you don't know the people who follow you, your data can be vulnerable to hackers and stalkers.

So, in this article, we'll learn how to know who follows you on Facebook, how to remove them, how to manage followers, and more.

See Who Follows You on Facebook via iPhone/Android

You lot can hands view who follows you and your follower count on the Facebook mobile app. Here'south how you can check who follows you on Facebook in these steps:

  1. Open your Facebook profile page.
  2. Below your basic data, tap on the Run into Your About info section.
    See your about info
  3. Here, y'all tin can view additional information, like Groups, liked pages, and more than. At the lesser, yous can detect the Followers section.
  4. On the side, tap on the See All pick to view the complete list of your followers.

At the top-correct corner, you tin view the number of people who follow you on this list.

See Who Follows You on Mac/Windows

Here's how you can view the list of followers on Facebook on your computer.

  1. Open your Facebook profile folio.
  2. Below your profile motion picture and basic data, you tin see sections like Movies, Music, Posts, Friends, and such. Click on Friends.
  3. Y'all can see more sections, like Recently Added, College, High School, and More. Click on More than.
  4. From the menu, click on Followers. Here, you can meet the complete listing of your followers.

If yous click on Following, you can view all the people yous're following on Facebook.

Audit Followers on Facebook business page

Apart from the likes on Facebook pages, you tin also view the followers on your Facebook page. This is different from the likes. People can like your Facebook page and not exist following it, or they can exist following you merely might not similar your page.

Hither'southward how you tin view the follower list of your Facebook concern page.

  1. Open up Facebook and go to Pages.
  2. Open the Facebook page you've created.
  3. Gyre to find the department where you lot can encounter the statistics, likes and post attain. Below the number of likes, you can view your follower count.
  4. To view the people in your follower list, open your page and get to your Settings that's on the meridian-right corner.
  5. From the bill of fare on the left panel, select People and Other Pages. Hither, you can view the data of the people who liked your folio and also the people who follow your page.

How to remove followers from Facebook?

Sadly, in that location's no option to remove/delete followers or only specific people from the follower listing. However, there are a few ways to modify who can follow your personal Facebook account or your Facebook page. Y'all can follow these steps below:

On mobile:

  1. Open Facebook and tap on the three lines at the bottom-right corner to access the carte.
  2. Go to Settings and Privacy.
  3. On the left panel, select Public Posts. Y'all can now view the Who can follow me choice. It might've been set to Public, which is why y'all're getting unknown followers.
  4. Tap on information technology and select Friends. Performing this activity will only allow the people on your friend list to follow you.

This way, you can stay safe from unwanted followers and add together more security to your account.

On PC:

  1. Open up Facebook and click on the down-pointing arrow on the top-right corner to access the menu.
  2. Become to Settings and privacy so Settings.
  3. Click on Public Posts.
  4. In the Who can follow me option, set the setting to Friends.

Block Followers

If you want to remove one specific person from your follower list, it's best to cake them. Blocking someone will preclude them from following you, messaging you, or fifty-fifty viewing your profile.

If y'all just want to remove someone from your follower listing but don't want to block them, yous can block them so unblock them.

Remove Followers by Country

Another easy way to remove followers is past restricting them from certain countries. People from the selected country won't be able to search your page on their Facebook. So, this option will automatically remove them from your follower listing. You tin find this selection in your settings. Here's how you lot can exercise it:

  1. Open up your Facebook folio.
  2. From the left console, click on Full general. Here, you lot'll find a lot of settings.
  3. Click on Land Restrictions. It should brandish "This folio is visible to everyone."
  4. Click on it, and you'll get two options. You can either bear witness the folio to people in the selected country or hide from people in that country. Blazon in the country and set your preferred changes.
  5. Click on Save Changes.

It's best to note that this setting is simply available for your Facebook page and not your personal business relationship.

How to exist safe from unwanted followers on Facebook?

Data safety should be a huge priority, and at that place are many means you can go along your private information safe even if you get new followers in the future.

Change Facebook Post settings

  1. Become to your Settings and Privacy so Settings.
    Go to settings and privacy
  2. Select Privacy on the left panel. Here, you lot tin can detect the Your Activity section. In the menu that says Who can see your future posts, choose Friends, selected friends, or only you.
    limit audience in facebook
  3. Beneath that, you lot tin can also choose who can view the pages, people, or lists you follow.

Change Basic Info Settings

  1. Get to your profile page.
  2. Below your bones info, become to Edit Details.

    Here, you can view your piece of work, education, address, human relationship, follower count, and more.

  3. Click on the pencil icon to edit. This will lead you to a new page.
  4. At present, click on the three dots abreast every information, like your workplace. Click on Edit workplace.
  5. Below some boxes, tap on the privacy settings with the Public icon. Change it to either only your friend listing, selected friends, or just yous.
    Edit details from public
  6. If y'all want to hibernate your follower count, at the bottom of the folio, you can run into your follower number. Tap on it and plow it off to go along it invisible from anybody.

How to hide my followers and people I follow on Facebook?

You can hide either your follower list or people you follow on Facebook in these like shooting fish in a barrel steps:

  1. Open Facebook and go to your profile page.
  2. Select the Friends section. Beside the menu, click on the three dots.
  3. Select Edit Privacy.
  4. Here, y'all can choose to hide your friend list, the listing of people you follow, and your follower list too.
  5. Click on the Public icon to change it. Y'all can allow access to either only your friends, selected friends, shut friends, or only y'all.

How do I remove someone I am post-obit on Facebook?

Yous can unfollow people, pages, or groups in these simple steps:

To Unfollow People:

Unfollow People

Choose a person you lot desire to unfollow and go to their profile. Click on the Friends carte below their profile picture. Click on Unfollow.

To Unfollow Pages:

Unfollow Pages

Open a folio y'all want to unfollow. Click on the iii dots. Select Follow settings. You'll get a popular-up bill of fare with several options. At the bottom, you'll find Unfollow this page pick. Turn it on and click on Update.

To Unfollow Groups:

Unfollow Groups

Open any group profile. Click on the Joined push button and click on Unfollow.

Snooze People, Pages, and Groups

If you lot want to unfollow people, pages, or groups for simply a short period, you can snooze them.  When y'all snooze a profile, you'll not get any updates for 30 days. Facebook will not notify anyone when you lot snooze someone.

Why can't I see followers on Facebook?

If you can't meet any data on your follower listing, it's almost likely because there are no followers. If your account is new, in that location might non be any followers to bear witness every bit well. Additionally, you might not run across whatsoever followers if you have turned off getting followers in your settings.

How can I see hidden followers on Facebook?

There is no official thing every bit "hidden followers." However, people automatically follow y'all when they transport y'all a friend asking. Even if you delete the asking, it will non cease them from post-obit you. If you've been ignoring your friend requests, you may be unaware of who is really following you.

Some people might not have ever sent you a friend request, but they can still follow yous. And then, yous may consider such types of people as hidden followers. Such people can even so view all your public posts, stories, and event updates on their Facebook feed. They tin also view your liked pages, friends, and more if the privacy settings are set to Public.

Since all followers are in one place, yous tin can refer to the steps explained above to view your followers. If some followers are people you don't recognize, they might be the hidden followers.

Can you follow someone on Facebook without them knowing?

You tin follow people without even sending a friend asking. Yet, the people you follow will always get notified that yous're following them. Facebook doesn't hibernate this information.

If y'all don't want the person you want to follow to know that you're following them, you'll need to regularly search their contour and view their public posts. But, this activeness can be a bit slow.

How to increase followers on Facebook?

If you'd similar to gain followers on Facebook, at that place are many ways to practise and then:

Join a Facebook Group

If yous want real, organic followers, join a Facebook group. It'southward best to stay agile by sharing posts, interacting with group members, and following them. When people become to know something interesting most you, they're most probable to follow you back.

Change your Settings

If you accept no followers, it'southward probably considering you have turned off getting new followers in your settings. To check this, go to your Settings and Privacy. Select Public Posts. You'll now come across the Who tin follow me choice. If the option is set to Friends, new people not in your Friend list cannot follow you. You can click on it and set it to Public to welcome new followers.

Send an invitation

Another easy and price-complimentary manner of increasing both followers and likes on your Facebook is to invite people. Yous can invite equally many people as you desire. When people get notified of your page, they're most likely to like or follow your page. Information technology's sort of a free advert tool.

Share engaging content

People e'er appreciate valuable content. So, if you're someone who has something meaningful to share, yous might become a lot of genuine followers. Share your most interesting ideas, videos/images showing your talents, and more.

Other note-worthy ways of increasing followers are staying active on Facebook, running ads, doing a giveaway, being friends with new people, and more. We wouldn't recommend purchasing followers every bit information technology can be unreliable, and the output may not exist 18-carat.

I'1000 a Content Editor, freelance Vocalisation-Over creative person, and a self-proclaimed singer. When I'm non scrutinizing grammar online, you tin can find me scribbling on a canvas, writing a poem, or in a corner with a book. If you want to talk about the significant of life, I'm e'er ready with a cup of coffee and a pair of eager ears.


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